Hi! My name is Aelsa. In 2022, mid-COVID wave number, like, seven, I was home alone five days a week with a baby who wouldn't take a bottle, working remote full-time for a marketing agency, and just full on
losing my mind
My daughter wouldn't let anyone else hold her, much less babysit, and I couldn't attend my camera-on meetings while holding her. I enjoyed being a mom and I enjoyed my job but I was not enjoying life. I knew I couldn't be the only one in a post-pandemic world living this way and going insane.
So was born as the Bloomington-Normal Work-From-Home Mom Cooperative. Moms would, theoretically, pay a monthly membership fee to split the cost of a sitter who would watch the kids in the same general vicinity while the moms networked and coworked. Just two hours of work time—seemed like a great idea to me and to more than a dozen other moms who wanted in.
But it didn't really take off like I thought it would. It's possible the absurd number of words and dashes in the title had something to do with it. So we've restructured some things.
Now, The Village Collective exists to support central Illinois mothers in business through in-person coworking meetups, a no-cost marketing network, child-inclusive events, and just (but maybe most importantly) access to people who get what it takes to be a mom, particularly a mom in business.
The short answer: moms.
Members will get the most value out of their participation if they are local to Bloomington-Normal or Peoria areas but moms everywhere are welcome.
Our perks are designed particularly for entrepreneurial and work-from-home moms, but we promise:
there will be something here for everymom.