services and events
what's going on in The Village
monthly coworking
More details coming on this! For now, save the date: January 23rd, from 12-3pm at Playsynthesis in Bloomington.
Information about admission, membership, structure, etc. pending.
marketing collabs
Membership in The Village Collective gains you access to a network of moms who want to support other moms. Participating mom-owned businesses agree as part of membership to actively promote and patronize the other mom-owned businesses in the collective.
Every business gets to decide what that looks like to them, so it's not one-size-fits-all, but from occasional social media features to a logo on a webpage, it's free marketing that puts you in front of your target customers.
virtual networking
COMING SOON: virtual networking meetings! These half-hour Google Meet calls will fit into an afternoon naptime and will be structured enough that we won't run out of things to talk about but not so rigid that it's not fun anymore.
More info to come!
social outings
All work and no play makes a very dull Mama! Whether organized for the group and offered up to all, or just the result of an organic connection between two moms who set a playdate, child-friendly social outings are a must.